Monday, September 20, 2010

Sit Minutes: Monday, September 20, 2010

1. Call to Order
2. Attendence:

Present: Messick, Wilson-Moore, Kottenbrock, Downs, Thompson, Friesen, Hughes, Cummings, D. Jenkins, Janet Fangmann, Bryant, Hobson, Fossa, Moon, Atkinson, K. Richardson, Mary Hunter, Schnably, Hall, Cardarelli
Absent: Covington, Vannoy, Carespodi

3. Marlow Gaddis (#9 on agenda) from department of technology at central office: speaks on updating TJMS to 21 Century technology.

"Classroom solution"
  • Comes with a Sound System: even if you have a loud voice, less tired by end of the day, helps students with hearing issues. Comes with 2 lavalier mics
  • Secondary package: Monitor- 60”, 1 mobi (slate), CPS units (24 or 32, one/student) (clickers- to do votes) software holds up to 9 mobis, document cameras, audio, mics, teacher station cabinet. Computer not included.
  •  ~$6500-7000/classroom.
• Pods and trailers: modified version: if not possible to mount to wall, they have rolling carts for monitors.

• Schools who have this now were budgeted for it in 2006 Bond. (all new schools and new construction, Flat Rock, East, etc.)

• Cost breakdown to individual items, and lessen cost? Yes, but better to buy fewer classrooms full sets than to piece-meal. Start with the people who want it right now and will actually use it.

• Has to be bought through the school system (and it’s cheaper that way).

• Comes with training. Be prepared to get training. Has Workspace software (similar to Smartboard notebook software).

-John Downs is a firm believer of all or nothing.

$107k to spend- how to spend it? Is it fair to spend this money just on core classrooms, on a very few classrooms? If bought out of district, they won’t repair it. Trailers have hardly any technology access, and never will always be somehwhat limited because of the nature of trailers.
  • Can we get matching grants from companies?
  • Talk to constituents:
  • Teachers can swap classrooms to be able to use inside technology.
  • Motion to set up and chair committee to formulate a plan to assess how the money should be spen
4. Approval of minutes: Kelly Hall and Kara Richardson

5. Records: Students should be listed in correct roster (This year, no students should be listed on a teacher's roster yet sit in another teachers class as occurred last year).

6. SIT plan: goals approved.
  1. -Improve feedback to teachers to strengthen teaching
  2. -Create a school environment that allows all students to learn w/o being afraid
  3. -Target minority students to help raise their proficiency in reading (20% minority in school, and they have 60% of discipline issues)
  4. -Increase access to technology
7. Downs: Tech. Staff Development:   Here is the schedule for this year

  • New Tech person from district named DeLea Payne (worked with Benika in the past)
  • meet once/month
  • social networking, more school wires, skype in the classroom, synergy, reflective technology
8. Wilson-Moore- Cultural infusion: woven into year’s plan. Do we want Willette Nash (cultural infusion specialist) to come in and train staff (whole school, several days)? Please talk to constituents: have Ms. Nash come in, or do articles and discuss at PLC meetings ourselves like in the past? Can it be training personally AND applicable to helping with their reading scores? Maybe, maybe not. What do constituents feel we need?

9. Mike McDowell doesn’t like Learn 360. Two years ago, PTA offered to buy subscription to Discovery Streaming for us if we want it. $1400ish/year. Talk to constituents: do you hate Learn 360? Also, Discovery Channel shows can all be seen online?

10. Hall & Abrams: Problems with students roaming halls after dismissal. Can we have a school-wide 2:10 Hall Sweep, where every child has to be in a classroom/activity until 3, with an announcement starting it at 2:08. Snacks and bathroom breaks need to happen before 2:10. Students sharing tutoring sessions between teachers must have a note. Students can only leave early if parent comes in and physically escorts them outside the building. (Brent sent an e-mail to staff)

11. Benika  Thompson- is leaving TJMS. This is an unexpected job promotion to K-12 Science Coordinator. She very much loves us! She’s got about 1 month left.

12. Gum- straight to maintenance detail, not dealt with in the office. Talk to constituents.

Meeting adjourned: 3:36

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for notes.... I read... read... read... WHAT Benika's Leaving... read... read. John you need to get out that fushia highlighter for that one. Certainly do hate to see her go.. what an asset she has been for TJMS and a great friend. Will miss her !
