Wednesday, May 5, 2010

May 3, 2010

1) New SIT plan 2010 - 2012. Need a committee to look at current plan to do a “needs assessment”.

The SIT Plan for schools is now on a two year cycle. Mr. Martin is e-mailing Carol M. Davis to see about getting the new SIT plan template. Volunteers to serve on the committee to look at the current plan to see what needs revising: The following have volunteered: Emma Couch, John Downs, Peggy Dickey

2) Scheduling of Encore classes – Francis

Ms. Francis brought forth a scheduling concern raised by encore. Are encore classes hand scheduled like core teams? Gave an example of 17 boys in a class and 5 there a way for that to be balanced? Mr. Martin says we will do the best we can to make those situations better for next year. Peggy: please send her e-mails stating what kids should not be in classes together. McDowell: Discuss at PLC's--and make a list for Peggy of students who should be separated.

3) Principal’s Success Team – Conduct / Student Agenda:

Can we impose a conduct code to go along with the ALL-A's?? No D-1's or No "N"'s on conduct? Which should it be? What should be the standard? SIT members are to discuss this issue with constituents. Ms. Couch discussed the trend she is seeing on her team --of it not being "cool to be smart"--several boys decided not to go on the Principal's Success lunch because it was not cool. Brent Atkinson brought up seeing students who actually received good grades pretending to their peers that they did badly. There was a discussion of ways to encourage students to feel like it is "cool to be smart." Please discuss at PLC's: dynamic of what is causing this trend (if it is a trend, are others seeing this?) Other ideas for incentives? Possibly expand with different incentives for all A's and B's?.

4) Grants

· Wrap up by May 14th – Award prizes shortly afterwards. Mike will send out an e-mail outlining the incentives, and asking those who received grants to submit their results.

· Next year:

o Grants vs. Reading Stems: Idea for those who have been submitting reading stems for so long to possibly submit a grant proposal in lieu of stems.

o Internal Grants – Frank/PTA will kick in up to $3,000. We will form a committee next year to approve all entries and create by-laws.

o At either Technology meeting or vertical meeting at the start of next school year – everyone to apply again for things like Donor's Choose or Digital Wish.

5) Rotation of members:

· Leadership - Downs: discussed the idea of SIT members following a professional learning community on twitter. We currently have a SIT acount on twitter: Sittjms, pw: is 3500sallykirk for those of you who want to tweet ideas for school improvement. However, twitter is all about "who you follow". We currently follow principals, superintendents, teachers in all subject areas, and other leaders in education and technology. Twitter is like dipping your cup in a river and seeing what treasures you get out of it. Many ideas, problems and solutions are presented on twitter and its a way for us to expand our horizens and learn from a broader community of educators.

Mike: For those looking for ways to solve problems at school, we need to look at ways for teachers at the school to step up and take leadership roles.

· PE Department on SIT - Francis: A motion to have three members from encore represented, not necessarily 2 encore and 1 PE... Mike to bring up to staff at the next faculty meeting for a vote to change the by-laws.

· Who comes off SIT?

Those who have served two years: 8th grade, Brent Atkinson, Denise Francis, Allison Pegram, Hobson/Schmidt. Subject representatives serve as appointed by Mr. Martin: John Cardarelli, Social Studies; Meredith Ebert, Language Arts; Mike McDowell, Math; Emma Couch, Science.

· New members?

At next GRADE LEVEL meeting...nominate grade level representatives for SIT, nominate Parent represenatives?, and Encore nominate their representatives at their next meeting. New members should come to the next SIT meeting and we will vote for a new chair-person.

· SIT Chair: to be voted for at final SIT meeting.

6) Good of the Order

Peggy: process of dividing up encore teachers (For red zone remediation and enrichment) who will be assigned to Core teachers will be decided soon and Peggy will get that schedule out soon so teachers can meet and discuss ideas for lessons during enrichment. 7th and 8th grade EC inclusion will also take small groups to remediate, this will allow for even smaller groups for the regular core teachers to remediate.

Spirit Week: Lisha...concensus seemed to be for it to be the final week of school.

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